Help Center

Do I need a different LagreeOD account for all my devices?

You do not need separate accounts for each device! If you want to access LagreeOD on your computer, mobile device or tablet for example, you can.

Maximum number of devices reached - What now?

Our system allows up to 3 devices simultaneously, if you would like to replace a device, please login to your account (Account > Devices) and remove the one you want to replace. You can replace one device each and every month (every 30 days).

Need to change your email and password?

You can update your email address or password at any time from the My Account tab on your Account Settings. Just click “edit” next to your current email address, add your new one, then click “save”. For your password, just click “edit,” enter your old and new passwords and click “save”.

Forgot password?

If you have forgotten your password and cannot log in, click “Forgot Password?” under the login button. Enter the email address associated with your account and we’ll send you a link that will allow you to reset your password. If the email does not arrive in 15 minutes you can reach out to the Customer Experience team at support@lagreeod.com.

How do I unsubscribe from notifications?

You can update your preferences through the Notifications tab of your Account settings.

How do I log out of LagreeOD?

Navigate to Account and select “logout”.

How do I delete my LagreeOD account?

If you wish to delete your account, please ensure your subscription has been canceled. You can then contact the LagreeOD team at support@lagreeod.com. Please let us know that you consent to the removal of your account and all associated information and that you understand you will no longer have access to that information after the account is removed.

Just to note - deleting your account will permanently remove all of your account information from LagreeOD. If you just cancel your account, we’ll hang on to your account settings, collections, saved and completed classes. You can access your account again by simply logging in and entering your billing information.

Still Have Questions? Contact Our Support.

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